home > Eventi > 2019 > 4-6 September - ALT2019

4-6 September - ALT2019



Early Bird
(by May 31st )

(from June 1st)


€ 60

€ 80


€ 120

€ 150

Registration costs cover coffee breaks and lunches during the main conference on September 4th-6th, 2019.



CANCELLATION POLICY: no refund after June 30th. Substitutions are always accepted - please send an email to [email protected]

REGISTRATION INVOICE: Registration is confirmed only upon payment receipt. Invoice will be sent by e-mail prior to the conference (please fill in the invoicing details during the registration procedure: you will be able to choose invoice to person or invoice to company/institution) **For invoice to individuals, please also indicate your date and place of birth when required, for Italian law requires these details in order to issue the invoice**

In conjunction with ALT, we ask that all attendees confirm that they are active members of ALT, or become members of ALT (http://www.linguistic-typology.org/join.html) by the time of the start of the conference by using the box below.

ALT2019 will feature four teach-ins, held at University of Pavia, Palazzo San Tommaso, on September 3rd, 2019 (to register, without any additional costs, please use the box below).


- Using Universal Dependencies for Linguistic Typology - *FULL*

- The Italo-Romance languages

- The typology of planned languages

- Typological challenges from Afro-Asiatic


In addition, the following events will be featured:

- the workshop "Partitive cases, pronouns and determiners: diachrony and variation", held at Collegio Gerolamo Cardano (Pavia), on September 2nd, 2019 (no registration needed; for more information, please visit http://paviapartitives.wikidot.com/); 

- the summer school  "Language universals and language diversity in an evolutionary perspective" held at Villa del Grumello, a beautiful villa on Lake Como (a short train ride from Pavia), on September, 9-12th, 2019 (to submit your application, please visit  http://lude.lakecomoschool.org/application/)


> E-mail contact for registration issues/questions: [email protected] 

> Link to Conference website.


Registrations to ALT2019 Conference ARE CLOSEDYou can still register to Teach-Ins (September 3rd) and Workshop (September 2nd)

Fill in the details and click on INVIA/CONFIRM. You will receive an automatic email within a few minutes (please check the spam folder as well).

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