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Pavia meets: Hot Topics in Dermatology

Pavia meets: Hot Topics in Dermatology

Dati ECM

ID ECM: 918 - 408672
Data: 11/05/2024
Sede: Collegio F.lli Cairoli, Piazza Collegio Cairoli 1 - 27100 Pavia
Modalità: Formazione Residenziale
Partecipanti: 100
Ore formative: 8
Crediti: 8
Responsabile Scientifico: Prof. Carlo Francesco Tomasini
Accreditamento ECM per: Medico Chirurgo
Discipline accreditate ECM: Allergologia ed immunologia clinica, Anatomia patologica, Chirurgia generale, Chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva, Dermatologia e venereologia, Gastroenterologia, Genetica medica, Geriatria, Laboratorio di genetica medica, Medicina generale (medici di famiglia), Medicina interna, Oncologia, Pediatria, Pediatria (pediatri di libera scelta), Reumatologia
Obiettivo Formativo: Documentazione clinica. Percorsi clinico-assistenziali diagnostici e riabilitativi, profili di assistenza - profili di cura

>Tutte le relazioni del convegno si terranno in lingua italiana ad eccezione dell’intervento del Prof. Kaya che si svolgerà in lingua inglese.<

Razionale Scientifico

The event "Pavia meets: Hot Topics in Dermatology" is intended as an update on clinical dermatology in the light of recent innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent dermatoses. But that's not all.  For example, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and dermatology, influencing diagnostic and therapeutic paths, represents a new challenge for the dermatologist, not only in the clinical field, but also in histopathology.

"Pavia incontra" is aimed at a wide audience, from medical students to doctors in training, general practitioners and specialists in the area. The plurality of topics covered offers a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration and focus on recent research contributions in diagnosis and therapy. 

The meeting will take place in the evocative historical centre of Pavia, the heart of one of the oldest Italian and European universities, a mosaic of identities and symbols that show themselves in art and culture, in panoramas and monumental treasures, but also in food and wine and nature in the land that was once the home of the Lombards and the Visconti Family.


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